Lab 01: Football

For Lab 01, you will use (American) football data to develop a model that will assist with in-game decision making.


American football is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players each on a rectangular field with an “end zone” at each end. The game is divided into four quarters, with the objective of advancing the ball into the opponent’s end zone to score points via a touchdown or field goal.

Play is organized into discrete segments called “downs,” with each team given four attempts (downs) to advance the ball at least ten yards. If successful, they are awarded a new set of downs. If they fail, possession of the ball is given to the opposing team. Each down begins with a “snap” from the center, and the team with the ball (offense) attempts to advance while the other team (defense) tries to prevent them from doing so. The game emphasizes strategy, with each play being a carefully planned and executed attempt to gain yards or disrupt the opponent’s progress.

“Going for it on fourth down” involves a high-risk gamble where a team opts to attempt to advance the ball rather than punting or kicking a field goal. Success grants a new set of downs and a chance to score, but failure hands over possession to the opponent (a turnover) with favorable field position, potentially leading to a quick score. This decision can shift game momentum and is influenced by factors like field position and game context.

In recent history, more and more teams are being aggressive and choosing to take risks on fourth down.

Specifically, in a fourth down situation, the offensive coordinator, a coach that specializes in real-time game decisions for the offense, often called play calling, has three choices:

  • Punt
    • Punting is in some sense a surrender, giving up, and purposefully giving possession to the opposing team. However, this can be strategically advantageous because if successful, it will place the opposing team far from the end zone, significancy reducing their changes of scoring.
  • Kick a field goal
    • Kicking a field goal is a low-risk, low-reward proposition. With favorable field position, kicking a field goal provides a high probability of scoring some points (three) but forfeits the chance to score a touchdown (at least six points).
  • Go for it
    • “Going for it” on fourth down is a risky decision that uses the last of the four downs in an attempt to move the ball the remaining yards need to achieve a first down (retaining the ability to score a touchdown) or simply score a touchdown. Should the offense not advance the ball the required number of yards, they turnover the ball to the opposing team, in a much better position than had they punted.

The game situation, including the field position, time remaining, and score, are all considered when making decisions like this.

Ever wanted to watch an hour-long video about the sadness of punting in football? Probably not, but you should seriously consider it.

To punt is to give up, and in the 21st century, NFL teams have given up nearly 50,000 times. Most of those punts were reasonable decisions. But a few were so cowardly, and in such defiance of all reason, that they must not be forgotten. In this episode of Chart Party, it’s our mission to find them.

In this work of art, Jon Bois creates a bespoke statistic, the surrender index, in an attempt to find the saddest, most cowardly punt of the 21st century. If you are not a football fan, or even if you are, you might think this sounds ridiculous. But grab a snack, sit down, enjoy the smooth jazz, and let Jon use his unique brand of data journalism to tell a fascinating story.

If you are a football fan, Jon has some additional work that you’ll enjoy:

For much of football history, decisions such as these were largely made by gut instinct. In the modern game, football organizations employ data science teams that use data to inform in-game decisions.

You might be thinking, why do we need all this background just to fit a model to some data? In the words of Kamala Harris, the 49th vice president of the United States: “You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?”

The point she is making with this meme-able rhetorical question is that everything is in context. She of course is talking about politics, but this idea is quite possibly one of the most important that you will learn in this course. Frankly, if you learn only one thing from CS 307, let it be this.

Machine learning models do not live in a vacuum. They do not exist just to be submitted to the PrairieLearn autograder. Machine learning models, if they are at all useful, are meant to be put into practice in the real world. Doing so has real consequences. Those consequences depend on the context of the situation in which they are applied. If you don’t understand the context, things can go horribly wrong.

These teams of data scientists are always attempting to do one thing: help the team win.

As Herm Edwards said: “You play to win the game!.

Modern NFL teams are likely to have a sophisticated win probability model that evaluates and guides each in-game decision, expressed as the effect on the probability to win the game. In this lab, you will develop a model that assesses the risk-reward of “going for it” on fourth down.

Diagram showing potential decisions (and their estimated probabilities) that affect an NFL team's probability of winning a game given the game situation.

The above diagram, from an article on using so-called “next-gen” statistics to inform games decision such as attempting to convert on fourth-down, shows potential decisions (and importantly their estimated probabilities) that affect an NFL team’s probability of winning a game given the game situation. This illustrates that individual models, like a model to predict converting on fourth down, are part of a larger system, which gives context.

Additional information:

Scenario and Goal

Who are you?

  • You are a data scientist working for the front office of an NFL team.

What is your task?

  • You are tasked with creating a model that estimates the probability that an attempt to convert a fourth down is successful, given game-state information such as yards-to-go, yards-to-goal, and the type of play (run or pass) considered. This model will be used within a larger system that allows the offensive coordinator to evaluate play-calling decisions and how they effect the overall probability of winning the game.

Who are you writing for?

  • To summarize your work, you will write a report for your manager, who reports to the offensive coordinator. You can assume your manager is very familiar with football strategy, and is reasonably familiar with machine learning.


To achieve the goal of this lab, we will need data about many previous fourth-down attempts in the NFL. The necessary data is provided in the following two files:

Note that for this lab, we have already train-test split the data, something we will learn about in the coming weeks.


The data used in this lab was acquired using the nfl_data_py package. This package sources data from the nflverse-data repository. The nfl_data_py package has an R analog, nflreadr, which contains a searchable data dictionary as a part of its documentation for play-by-play data.

The acquired play-by-play data was heavily pre-processed for this lab. Importantly, the full play-by-play data was subset to only fourth-down conversion attempts, that is, a run or a pass on fourth down.

Data Dictionary

  • The train data contains one row per fourth-down conversion attempt in the 2019, 2020, and 2021 NFL seasons.
  • The test data contains one row per fourth-down conversion attempt in the 2022 NFL season.
  • The (hidden) production data contains one row per fourth-down conversion attempt in the 2023 NFL season.

The production data is data that will mimic data that is passed through your model after you have put it into production, that is, it is being used for the stated goal within the scenario of the lab. As such, you do not have access to it. You do however have access to the test data.

The production data will contain the same columns with the same types as the test data.



  • [category] Result of fourth-down conversion attempt. One of ['No', 'Yes'].



  • [float64] Distance in yards from either the first down marker or the end zone in goal down situations. Distance needed to successfully convert the fourth-down attempt.


  • [float64] Distance in yards from the opponent’s end zone. Distance needed to score a touchdown.


  • [category] Type of play. One of ['Pass', 'Run']. Pass plays include sacks. Run plays includes scrambles.

Data in Python

To load the data in Python, use:

import pandas as pd

Because we are using .parquet files to provide the data, you will need the pyarrow package installed to grant pandas the ability to read these files.

football_train = pd.read_parquet(
football_test = pd.read_parquet(

Prepare Data for Machine Learning

Create the X and y variants of the data for use with sklearn:

# create X and y for train
X_train = football_train.drop(columns=["converted"])
X_train = pd.get_dummies(X_train, dtype=float, drop_first=True)
y_train = football_train["converted"]

# create X and y for test
X_test = football_test.drop(columns=["converted"])
X_test = pd.get_dummies(X_test, dtype=float, drop_first=True)
y_test = football_test["converted"]

Here, we use pd.get_dummies to prepare the data for use with sklearn. While sklearn can handle some pandas data frames, often you will need to perform some preprocessing as under the hood sklearn will need to convert from a pandas data frame to a numpy array. We will learn several technique to accomplish this in CS 307, ultimately learning to use pipelines in sklearn.

You can assume that within the autograder, similar processing is performed on the production data.

Sample Statistics

Before modeling, be sure to look at the data. Calculate the summary statistics requested on PrairieLearn.


For this lab you will select one model to submit to the autograder. You may use any modeling techniques you’d like, so long as it meets these requirements:

  • Your model must start from the given training data, unmodified.
    • Importantly, the types and shapes of X_train and y_train should not be changed.
    • In the autograder, we will call mod.predict(X_test) on your model, where your model is loaded as mod and X_test has a compatible shape with and the same variable names and types as X_train.
    • In the autograder, we will call mod.predict(X_prod) on your model, where your model is loaded as mod and X_prod has a compatible shape with and the same variable names and types as X_train.
  • Your model must have a fit method.
  • Your model must have a predict method.
  • Your model must have a predict_proba method.
  • Your model should be created with scikit-learn version 1.6.1 or newer.
  • Your model should be serialized with joblib version 1.4.2 or newer.
  • Your serialized model must be less than 5MB.

While you can use any modeling technique, each lab is designed such that a model using only techniques seen so far in the course can pass the checks in the autograder.

This is obviously untrue for Lab 01, but we will guide you through the modeling process in Lab 01.

To obtain the maximum points via the autograder, your model must outperform the following metrics:

Test Accuracy: 0.6
Production Accuracy: 0.6


Before submission, especially of your report, you should be sure to review the Lab Policy document.

On Canvas, be sure to submit both your source .ipynb file and a rendered .html version of the report.

Lab 01 Solution

Because Lab 01 is more about teaching you the lab process than applying ML to data, you do not need to write the lab report yourself!

While you would normally need to start from the template notebook provided in the Lab Policy document, for Lab 01, we provide a completed template.

Your only goal with this template is to add it to your CS 307 folder, and then render it with Quarto. Doing so will be the final test of your machine’s setup.

Be sure to modify the filename as specified in the rubric!